Colwell Divorce Law

Narrator: Divorce is a traumatic event, one that shatters relationships, but it needn’t shatter one’s entire life.

Mary: The first thing that we at Colwell and Colwell ask is “where do you want your lives to be in five years?”

Narrator: In a divorce, passions run high. You’re involved in a dispute with someone is thinking only of themselves and has hired a lawyer to fight their corner. You can’t just surrender, but you can figure out what you want now and in the future. Kevin and Mary Colwell will help you get it so that you can get on with your life. They’re aggressive advocates who fight for a reason to prevail over revenge. Whether or not children are involved, you need to pick your battles wisely.

Kevin: The best result is often the one that costs as little as possible on both emotional and financial terms. If that’s a hard fight, so be it. We don’t advise clients just to roll over, just to keep the peace.

Narrator: A fair compromise is the best outcome, but that’s sometimes not possible. Kevin’s and Mary’s extensive matrimonial experience and pragmatic approach will help you get through with as little expense as possible. While encouragingly, both parties retain in some kind of a relationship. So if you’re contemplating divorce or if you have already been served with papers, whether it’s likely to amicable or hostile, give Kevin and Mary Colwell a call. They will get you the best possible outcome in terms of visitation, custody, support, and division of assets.

Kevin: We believe that when sense prevails, life can go on.

Colwell Law

Colwell Law N/a
Albany Office
The Colwell Law Group, LLC
200 Great Oaks Blvd  Suite 224,  Albany,  NY  12203
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Saratoga Springs Office
The Colwell Law Group, LLC
513 Broadway Saratoga Springs,  NY  12866
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Syracuse Office
The Colwell Law Group, LLC
One Park Place 300 S. State, Syracuse, NY 13202
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+1 315-284-5770
Rochester Office
The Colwell Law Group, LLC
1241 Pittsford Victor Rd 1st floor Pittsford NY 14534
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