Washington County Child Support Lawyer

Parents have a legal responsibility to provide financial support for their children, regardless of their marital circumstances. While New York law encourages parents to agree on child support, compromise can be difficult in the context of emotionally charged divorce or paternity proceedings. Even when they can agree, parents must comply with complex formulas and statutory requirements.

A Washington County child support lawyer understands the challenges you face as you work through the legal requirements to do what is right for your family. Our experienced family attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights and helping you achieve your objectives in a child support case.

Child Support Orders

The issue of child support typically arises in one of two different contexts. The first is paternity. When a child’s parents are not married at his or her birth, there must be an order regarding paternity before one can seek child support. There are different options to establish parentage, including a voluntary process or filing a lawsuit.

The second context is divorce. When minor children are involved with a divorce, child support is a central issue in the case. The county family court reviews many factors, focusing on the child’s best interests, when making a decision on support.

Aside from the child’s best interests, a general guideline in child support is to provide the child with the same financial stability that he or she would enjoy had the family been intact. Still, New York State law includes specific factors for determining child support, including:

  • The paying parent’s income
  • Costs related to the child’s education
  • Health insurance expenses and which parent provides coverage
  • The combined incomes of both parents, including from such sources as workers’ compensation or disability benefits
  • Whether there are other children that the paying parent supports

A Washington County child support lawyer could help determine total expenses and ensure there are no problems concerning paternity.

Modifications of Child Support Orders

State child support laws allow for modification when a change in circumstances affects one parent’s ability to pay. The factors described above apply, especially as they pertain to each parent’s income. Increases or decreases in salary, or a loss of employment, may qualify for the change in circumstances required to modify a child support order. It is critical to go through the proper legal process with counsel from a child support lawyer in Washington County to make a modification effective, as the legal consequences can be severe.

Obtain Legal Guidance from a Child Support Attorney in Washington County

Our attorneys at the Colwell Law Group are driven to deliver skilled legal services in child support cases. We are attentive to your needs, compassionate in understanding the emotional factors at play, and knowledgeable in developing a strategy to meet the needs of your family. Please contact our office with questions or to set up a confidential consultation about your case with a Washington County child support lawyer. 


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