Child custody is a major decision in a divorce or separation. While many people believe they need a court order to determine who retains custodial rights, the truth is that they are not always necessary. A determined child custody attorney could help you navigate child custody without a court order in Albany.
A custody order is not necessary if the two parents in Albany have an amicable relationship. A parent has custodial rights just by signing the child’s birth certificate. Thus, a court is usually just reiterating the rights that already exist. If there is an acrimonious relationship that requires a different custody decision, a judge must sign an order so that it can be enforced in the future if necessary.
There is no time period within which they are required to file for a court order. If a parent is starting to see signs of a mental health issue or a drug abuse problem in the other party, then they need to go to court and get a custody order.
When they start their case in family court, they can be issued temporary orders. Parents can get a temporary court order if they ask for emergency release. If the judge agrees that there are emergency reasons that an order must happen immediately, then they can finalize it. A custody situation is fluid and a judge can issue a modification if they feel that it is in the interest of the child.
Custody orders in Albany are not mandatory and the judge will likely issue joint legal custody unless there is an emergency. For example, if one of the parents is incarcerated, the other parent will require sole legal custody so that they can manage the child’s life without having to consult with the incarcerated person. This child custody situation in Albany can be done with a court order.
If the parties are getting along and they are taking care of their children, going to court to get an official child custody order in Albany can potentially make things more acrimonious. If they are having difficulty agreeing, then it is beneficial to have a court order.
If the parties are not married, then this decision goes through the family court process. If the parties are married, then they go to state Supreme Court and ask for relief on whatever custody arrangement they have. Everyone knows what their rights and obligations are, and it helps lay out a path going forward for the future and final order. The parties will have settled the custody issue and have some guidelines from the temporary order. Parents can then work out the rest of the divorce discussions without being distracted by the custody order.
An attorney could help someone negotiate with the other side’s counsel to work out an agreement, as well as work out an agreement to file alongside a petition. This prevents parents from having to go to court and involve the children in the legal process. If custody is contested in New York, the children are appointed an attorney of their own that the state pays for. Both Albany parents should understand the value of settling a custody agreement early instead of making it more difficult for everyone later.
A parent in Albany generally only pays child support if there is a petition for one, regardless of whether or not there is a court order for custody. If a couple is getting divorced and there is no order on child support, then it is rare for there not to be a temporary order or temporary agreement. Paying support for their children is usually one of the first things that has to be worked out when spouses separate so that everyone knows what their rights and obligations are. If they do not fulfill their obligations to the child, and it upsets the other side, then there could be a motion against them. This would cost a lot of money to defend against.
If a person is getting divorced, it is recommended that they pay some kind of voluntary child support. A lawyer might be able to provide a guideline amount to keep the process running smoothly and to avoid acrimonious litigation.
While court-sanctioned orders are not required to determine the custody of children, there can be some benefits to having orders in place. In dangerous situations, it could be the responsible thing to do. Call now for a consultation into whether you could retain child custody without a court order in Albany.
Colwell Law