Common Custody Issues in Albany

Parents who are divorcing or separating usually negotiate a parenting plan that settles custody and visitation matters. When parents cannot agree, a judge may impose a plan describing how the couple will co-parent their children.

Even when you and your co-parent are mostly on the same page, problems can arise.  Being prepared for common custody issues in Albany can help you navigate the inevitable rough patches. Work with an experienced child custody attorney who could help you anticipate some of these issues and consider ways of resolving them before they become a problem.

Parental Disagreements About Expectations and Rules

Even parents who stay together sometimes disagree about how to manage their children. Issues like bedtime, chores, and when they do homework can be contentious when each parent has different expectations. Differences in attitude or parenting styles can become more acute when children get older and the issues revolve around friends and romantic partners, extracurricular activities, curfew, driving, substance use, and sexual activity.

Parents can anticipate many of these issues and address them before disputes arise.  Consistent rules between homes about important issues ease the child/ren’s adjustment and demonstrate that their parents can work together even though they do not live together anymore.

Parents should consider including a dispute resolution mechanism in their parenting plan. They could agree that one parent has the final word on specific issues. Alternatively, they could plan to go to mediation or arbitration when they cannot resolve issues between themselves. An Albany attorney could suggest alternatives that provide necessary flexibility for common custody issues but ensure that parental disagreements are resolved with minimal impact on the child/ren.

Children Refusing to Cooperate

Divorce or separation can hit children hard. Children often complain about spending scheduled parenting time with a parent and misbehave during visits.  In extreme cases, a child may refuse visitation with one of their parents.

Parents are responsible for making children available for visits, so there should be consequences when a child refuses. Ideally, parents can decide together how to handle their child/ren’s refusal. Parents whose child acts out in this way should consider counseling for the child/ren and perhaps as a family to understand and address the child/ren’s reluctance.

Sometimes, one parent suspects the other is encouraging a child’s uncooperativeness or is disparaging them to the child/ren. In other cases, a parent may suspect their child/ren’s refusal to see the other parent is due to unsafe conditions or abuse. These are serious matters, and a parent with reasonable suspicions this behavior is occurring should consult a lawyer in Albany for advice.

Parental Behavior Can Be an Issue

Sometimes, a parent acts out after divorce. They may be consistently early or late picking up or dropping off their child/ren, cancel parenting time at the last minute, or fail to meet their obligations in other ways.

Bringing a new partner into the children’s lives can also be a point of contention. A parent may object to the child/ren spending time with the new partner or a parent using a new partner as a babysitter or childcare provider.

Parents in Albany can address common custody issues regarding new partners in the parenting plan and discuss boundaries when one parent enters a new relationship.  When a new partner presents a perceived threat to the child/ren, as could be the case if the partner has a substance abuse problem or a history of child abuse, consult an attorney about legal options to protect the child/ren.

Prepare for Common Custody Issues With an Albany Attorney

Disagreements can arise even when a split is amicable and parents have similar notions about discipline and rules. Preparation and flexibility are key to maintaining predictability and stability between two parents’ homes.

Work with an experienced family attorney to anticipate common custody issues in Albany before they become disputes. Call our office to get started today.

Colwell Law

Colwell Law N/a
Albany Office
The Colwell Law Group, LLC
200 Great Oaks Blvd  Suite 224,  Albany, , NY  12203
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