Victims of domestic abuse have options beyond contacting the police and hoping they press charges. They may also seek a protective order from the courts. Commonly known as a restraining order or order of protection, these court orders could protect you from future abuse. A seasoned attorney could advise you on how to secure a restraining order.
If you have faced domestic violence, a protective order could be a viable option for you. Seeking an order of this type from the court could prevent your abuser from even contacting you. Let a Syracuse protective orders lawyer advise you on your options. Our qualified domestic violence attorneys stand ready to guide you through the daunting complexities of our legal system.
What Does a Protective Order Cover?
There are different ways a protective order could prevent future acts of domestic abuse. An order from the court could require the abuser to comply with a number of conditions, including avoidance of certain behaviors or places. A Syracuse protective orders attorney could further detail what these orders involve and how they might be enforced.
One of the most important aspects of a protective order is that it bars contact between the accused and their victim. These orders often require the abuser to avoid any direct personal contact with the party that has sought the order. In addition to direct, in-person contact, a protective order could also prohibit phone calls or any online contact.
These orders often address where the abuser can go. If the judge deems it appropriate, a protective order could ban them from the residence they share with the victim. An order could also prevent them from appearing at the victim’s school or place of employment. These provisions could give the victim the opportunity to move on with their life without fear of constant harassment.
A protective order could also impact the abuser’s right to possess firearms. In circumstances where there is a history of violence, the court could bar the abuser from possessing any guns or firearms. This is most common in cases where additional threats of violence have been made.
How Long Will the Order Last?
The length of time these orders last will depend on whether they are temporary or permanent. It is possible to seek a temporary restraining order and avoid the formalities of a typical lawsuit. This allows an order of protection to be secured from the court without notifying the other party of the proceeding.
Temporary protective orders remain in effect until the court’s first chance to hold a final hearing. At the final hearing, each side will have the opportunity to argue for or against an extension of the order.
If the court ultimately determines that the order is appropriate, they could set a date to decide when it will formally expire. In serious cases, the order could be made permanent and remain in place unless a judge orders otherwise. A protective order attorney in Syracuse could help explain the likeliest duration of these orders in a given case.
Talk to a Syracuse Protective Orders Attorney Today
You have the right to pursue a protective order if you have been abused by someone in your family or living in your household. However, there is no guarantee the court will agree to issue an order. The guidance of an attorney could help with your case.
Let a Syracuse protective orders lawyer advise you on your legal options. Call right away to get started.