Saratoga Springs Adoption Lawyer

Expanding your family through adoption is an exciting event. Adopting can be a complex endeavor, but it can be one of the most rewarding choices when handled properly.

Adoption involves balancing the rights of biological parents, adoptive parents, and the child. The process may include delays, unexpected costs, and complicated court proceedings, which a compassionate family attorney could explain to you. A Saratoga Springs adoption lawyer is prepared to manage these challenges and potentially expedite the process of bringing your child home.

The Adoption Process in Saratoga Springs

Adoption gives parents the legal right to raise a child that is not biologically their own. The adopted child is entitled to the same care, financial support, and inheritance as a biological child. There are a few stages to the adoption process.

Initiating the Adoption

To begin the process, the adoptive parents must file a petition with the court. It is essential to include all required information in the adoption request.


In New York, the biological parents must consent to the adoption, or have their parental rights terminated by the court. If the child is 14 years or older, that child must also consent to the adoption. The consents must be notarized or acknowledged in front of a judge.

Home Studies

Before finalizing an adoption, the state requires a home study. This study includes all household members, with in-home interviews conducted by a social worker or an adoption agency to ensure the home’s suitability. The study consists of the following:

  • An examination of the family’s general health conducted within one year
  • A summary of the adoptive parents’ experience with children
  • Confirmation that the adoptive parents have not abused or neglected other children
  • Fingerprinting of the adoptive parents and a review of any criminal record for all members of the household

Cooperating in the home study is a critical component of adoption and an essential consideration in a court’s final approval. A local attorney could help a family looking to adopt a child prepare for these critical home studies.

Considerations for Adoptive Parents

Whether an individual or a couple is considering adoption or has already decided to adopt, they have important decisions to make.

Private and Public Agency Adoptions

Adoptions can occur either privately or through a public agency. A private agency, lawyer, physician, facilitator, or adoptive family can arrange an adoption with the birth parents’ consent.

The public agency is a branch of New York’s social services department. When the agency removes a child from the birth parents due to neglect or abuse, and the court terminates their parental rights, the agency then places the child with a family for adoption. A Saratoga Springs attorney could provide counsel on private versus agency adoptions, including the legal process, benefits, and possible disadvantages of each.

Open and Closed Adoptions

In an open adoption, birth parents choose to have an ongoing relationship with their child. New York permits a Post Adoption Contract Agreement (PACA) in open adoptions. This enforceable agreement specifies the type of contact the biological parents will have with their child after the final adoption. That can include everything from pictures and letters to visitations.

There is generally no communication between the birth parents, child, and adoptive family in a closed adoption. Growing up, an adopted child may become curious about their biological background. An experienced lawyer could prepare the parents for any questions their child might bring up and suggest appropriate therapeutic resources.

Benefits of Legal Representation

There are essential ways a lawyer could assist prospective parents during the adoption process, including:

  • Clarifying their legal rights and obligations in the adoption process
  • Locating the biological father to obtain consent or, if unable to identify the father, filing the appropriate paperwork to finalize the adoption
  • Obtaining the biological parents’ medical history
  • Filing all legal documents, including the adoption petition, consents, financial information, employment verification, and proof of residency
  • Identifying expenses the adoptive parents may legally pay during the biological mother’s pregnancy
  • Preparing for the home study
  • Representing parents at adoption hearings

Depending on the type of adoption a family decides to pursue, an attorney serving Saratoga Springs could also explain the rights a child has to obtain information about their biological parents.

Consult a Saratoga Springs Adoption Attorney

An attorney could help explain your options and assist you in making the best decisions throughout the legal proceeding. A Saratoga Springs adoption lawyer could provide an unbiased explanation of the available adoption methods and develop a plan tailored to your family’s needs. Start the process today by asking for a free consultation.

Colwell Law

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The Colwell Law Group, LLC
513 Broadway Saratoga Springs, , NY  12866
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