Rochester Father’s Rights Lawyer

In a divorce that involves child custody, family courts tend to give mothers preferential treatment. However, our society increasingly recognizes the important role that fathers play in the lives of their child/ren. If you wish to protect your parental rights after your divorce, contact a Rochester father’s rights lawyer. 

An experienced family attorney may advocate for you during your family law proceedings and may be able to gain more child custody rights for you. It is not just your rights you want to protect; it is your child/ren’s right to have access to both their parents.

What Are a Father’s Rights?

If there is not a good reason for the Court to deny a parent access to their child/ren, then the child/ren will be able to see both parents in some capacity. The Court will set visiting and custody arrangements with the parent who does not have physical custody of the child/ren. The parent who lives with the child/ren is the parent with physical custody. Both parents may still make decisions concerning the child/ren, which means the parents still have joint custody even if the child/ren live with only one parent.

Here are some of the basic rights that a father has regarding their child/ren:

  • They may request regular contact with their child/ren;
  • They may ask for sole or joint custody of their child/ren;
  • They may collaborate on decisions that affect the child/ren;
  • They may ask for scheduled visitation times with their children;
  • They have a right to establish the paternity of their child/ren;
  • They may object to a third-party adoption of a child/ren that would deny them future rights to the child/ren.

A seasoned lawyer who defends father’s rights in Rochester knows how to help with these requests.

Why There May Be Discrimination Against Fathers in Child Custody Situations

Although parental roles are changing in today’s society, it is still most common for mothers to stay home and care for the child/ren and fathers to work outside the home to earn a living for the family. Consequently, the Court often grants the mother more time with the child/ren than the father in child custody situations. Skilled attorneys can look at a unique situation and determine if there is discrimination against fathers due to gender. Gender-based discrimination should not be acceptable, and we know how to fight to protect child/ren’s rights to have more access to their father.

If there are allegations that a father has poor parenting abilities, a proactive lawyer may present evidence and gather testimonies contrary to the claims. If there are allegations that the father wants more custody rights to reduce the amount of money he has to pay, an experienced attorney can gather support that the father actually desires a stronger relationship with his child/ren. If the Court wishes a father to undergo a psychological evaluation to determine his fitness to parent his child/ren, a Rochester father’s rights attorney may assist.

Call for a Complimentary Consultation With a Rochester Father’s Rights Attorney

A father divorcing his wife is already in the middle of many stressful life changes. Fighting for your child/ren’s rights to have access to you can be exhausting. The dedicated attorneys at The Colwell Law Group, LLC may help you get a better handle on your situation and support you throughout the custody process. 

Contact our firm today for a complimentary consultation with a Rochester father’s rights lawyer. We are here to help.

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