It used to be that children would live with their mother after a divorce, and the father would see them on the weekends or holidays at best. Times have changed, according to Slate, beginning in the 1970s when the traditional breadwinning father and homemaking mother broke out of their traditional roles. Now, fathers have equal rights concerning child custody, which means that you have a good chance of continuing and building on the relationship that you have with your children. While there is nothing in New York law that gives the mother preferential treatment when the court decides who the children will live with, if joint custody is not an option, there are still some lingering biases from the times of old. Because of this, we strongly suggest that you consult with an experienced Greene County fathers’ rights attorney at your soonest availability. The experienced Greene County family law attorneys of The Colwell Law Group, LLC are here to answer all of your questions and are eager to provide compassionate yet aggressive legal counsel to protect your rights.
Greene County Child Custody
When determining child custody, the court will always choose the option available that gives the child, or children, the best chance at succeeding in life; more specifically, the court chooses in favor of the child’s best interest. In an ideal world, this is generally split custody between the mother and the father. However, this option might not be possible in every scenario. Maybe one of the parents plans to move to another city or state. Or, maybe the court believes that because one parent works 60 hours a week, they will not have the time to provide adequate care during their days with the child. You need to be prepared to show the court why you deserve split or full custody, and to do that you must fully understand the set of criteria that the New York court looks at when making the decision.
Challenges That You, as a Father, May Face in Regards to Custody
Women now make up 46.4 percent of the workforce, according to the Department of Labor. Although men and women are working more equal hours than in the past, many homes still operate in the traditional style that sees the mother work fewer hours in order to take care of the children more than the father. This could be used against you in child custody, because it could be argued that the mother has a stronger bond with the children and has taken over more of the parenting responsibility. However, our experienced attorneys are strong advocates for fathers’ rights, and will look into other ways that you have responsibly provided for your family if this is the case.
Contact Us Today For Help
Contact the professional Greene County fathers’ rights attorneys of The Colwell Law Group, LLC today to learn more about your rights as a father and what we can do to protect those rights in your upcoming child custody battle. We are eager to assist you immediately.
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