Amber Heard has brought forward new allegations against Johnny Depp in the couple’s divorce proceedings. Specifically, she says that Depp is purposefully stalling the divorce process by making her sign non-disclosure agreements prior to his giving out financial information. The actress accused Depp of stalling the proceedings in new court documents filed on July 26.
The filing follows a July 15 request by Depp to make their divorce process private — a request that is commonly made by celebrities who often have good reason to request private proceedings. Depp requested the non-disclosure agreements be signed by Heard after Heard requested personal information and financial information from Depp. According to Depp’s legal team, the actor is not disputing Heard’s right to receive the information; he merely wants to the information to be kept confidential in order to protect the privacy of all parties involved.
Depp claims in his July 15 filing that Heard has refused to execute a confidentiality agreement; and, as a result, Depp has requested a protective order be issued by the court. Depp’s team has also accused Heard has avoided putting a deposition on the calendar, but Heard says that she is only available to attend a deposition on the weekends in Los Angeles, and Depp’s attorney refuses to work on the weekends.
In previous news, Heard accused Depp of abusing her in her divorce filings. Nevertheless, Depp’s legal counsel continues to deny the abuse allegations.
Clearly, the Heard/Depp separation is culminating into a contentious divorce. Fortunately for the average New York resident, though, most divorces are not, and they can be resolved peacefully out of court. Especially with the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney at one’s side, most New Yorkers can expect to cost-effectively pass through their divorce process without the need for a trial.
Source: US Magazine, “Amber Heard Accuses Johnny Depp in New Filings of Stalling Their Divorce Case,” Sierra Marquina, July 26, 2016
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