American society has changed a lot in the past several decades. Prior to the 1970s, many U.S. states had laws in their family code that were directly, intentionally discriminatory on the basis of gender. In 1979, the Supreme Court of the United States eliminated the remainder of these laws in the case of Orr v. Orr, a ruling that struck down Alabama’s law that stated that only women were eligible to obtain alimony.
Still, though the discriminatory laws are off the books, many stereotypes still remain. As a result, fathers sometimes face a challenging road when they enter the family law courts. At The Colwell Law Group, LLC, our top-rated Warren County fathers’ rights lawyers have a deep understanding of the issues facing fathers in New York. If you are a father who is in need of family law support, please contact our law firm today.
Your Rights as a Father in Warren County, New York
As a father who lives in Warren County, New York, it is crucial that you understand that you have the same family law rights as does the mother.
- You have the right to seek custody of your child, including sole custody if the circumstances warrant such an arrangement.
- You have the right to seek regular, ongoing visitation with any children that do not live with you on a permanent basis.
- If you are the custodial parent, you have the right to seek reasonable child support payments from your child’s mother.
New York does not presume that it is in the best interests of the child to live with their mother. This is an outdated belief that is based largely on a long history of stereotypes. Do not be intimidated by New York’s family law court system: get an aggressive fathers’ rights lawyer by your side early on in your case.
Fathers Need Strong Legal Protection
From a legal perspective, a father’s rights are absolutely clear. The mother has no greater child custody, child visitation, or child support rights. However, in the real world, exercising these rights can sometimes prove to be difficult. This is an unfortunate reality, but there are some people who still presume that young children will naturally have a greater bond with their mother.
This is why it is so important that fathers hire a skilled family law attorney when a dispute arises. As a father, you need to be ready to present a compelling case to protect your own rights. The best way to protect yourself against the subtle biases that sometimes exist in the family law court system is to work with an experienced New York fathers’ rights lawyer who can help you present the strongest possible legal case.
Get Help From a Fathers’ Rights Attorney in Warren County
At The Colwell Law Group, LLC, our New York family law attorneys have extensive experience representing fathers in a wide range of cases. If you are a father who needs family law guidance, please contact us today to set up your confidential initial consultation. We serve fathers throughout Warren County, including in Glen Falls, Bolton, Chester, Hague, Horicon, and Johnsburg.