Many people will tell you that divorce is difficult, but you may not realize how complicated the process is until you face it yourself. You acquired many valuable, treasured assets during your marriage and it may be difficult to address the idea of asset division. The question of alimony may come up and you must choose whether to request it or contest it, depending on the circumstances. Even more difficult issues arise with issues of child custody, visitation, and support.
You do not have to take on divorce challenges alone. At The Colwell Law Group, LLC, our attorneys have decades of combined experience advocating on behalf of clients in Herkimer County, NY. We deliver the knowledgeable legal service you expect from a legal professional, but we are also compassionate in understanding your personal needs.
Divorcing spouses have many questions related to how the process will impact their lives. Some general information may be useful, and our lawyers can provide additional advice on:
In general, the higher earning spouse will pay alimony to the lower earning party. Sex is not an issue, though there is a tendency for the wife to receive spousal support if she gave up employment opportunities to contribute to the household or raise children.
New York State law requires courts to determine custody, visitation, and support for minor children according to the child’s best interests. Factors that a judge will consider include:
Our lawyers at The Colwell Law Group, LLC can assist with all aspects of a divorce case, so please give us a call at 518-864-0564. You may also visit our website to schedule a confidential consultation or learn more about our legal services.
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