The only way to stop domestic violence from happening is to go to an attorney and file for an order of protection, which makes it illegal for the abusive person to be within a specified distance from you and your children. These orders can last up to five years. Working with a Columbia County domestic violence lawyer during this traumatic time can be of dire importance. The Colwell Law Group is here for you in your time of need. Similarly, our attorneys help fight false allegations of abuse and neglect.
The Many Types of Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is all about using control to assert power. Perpetrators can be male or female in either same or different sex marriages and relationships, though men are far more likely to use domestic violence than women. According to New York’s Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, abuse comes in many forms, including the following:
- Sexual abuse;
- Physical abuse;
- Intimidation;
- Coercion or threats;
- Using isolation;
- Using male privilege to belittle;
- Economic abuse;
- Emotional abuse consisting of minimizing, denying, and blaming; and
- Using the children to punish the other party or make them feel guilty.
Often, a person who physically abuses also uses many other forms of abuse to dominate and control. Many abusers are classified as narcissists or sociopaths, both of whom are people that are inherently skilled at manipulation as well as prolific apologies that suck their partner back in for more abuse. This, coupled with dependency issues stemming from economic to psychological reasons, is often why it is so hard to break away from an abusive relationship. In fact, according to Forbes, 85 percent of women will return after leaving an abusive relationship. It often takes a woman seven to eight times of leaving and coming back before the split becomes final, if it ever does become final. Then, they have to worry about the abuser coming back, stalking them, making threatening phone calls and emails, and threatening the children as well. Our local attorneys could help you break this pattern of domestic abuse once and for all.
Child Abuse and Neglect in Columbia County
Not all parents are equally equipped at being caring, loving, and responsible role models for their children. Child abuse and child neglect are serious problems in the state of New York and across the country, and abusive or dangerously neglectful parents do not deserve to have child custody or visitation rights. An attorney in Columbia County could help remedy this situation if your children are suffering household violence.
Fighting Allegations of Abuse
Men and women are both sometimes wrongly and falsely accused of domestic violence, child abuse, or child neglect. These allegations must be met with immediate legal assistance before the situation gets out of control and your rights are taken from you, such as your rights to visit or care for your children. We understand that not all accusations are founded on truths, and fight to show this to the court.
Call Our Columbia County Domestic Violence Attorneys Today
Our Columbia County domestic violence lawyers are here to offer their support in your efforts to protect yourself and your family from an abusive partner, or to protect yourself from wrongful accusations. The legal knowledge of our attorneys has been crafted over many years and countless clients who we have successfully served. Contact us today for help.

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