Many children are born out of wedlock, and both parents have inherent rights pertaining to child custody, visitation, and child support. These issues can often be solved with a simple paternity DNA test, taken by the father and the child in question. A DNA test will quickly and efficiently clear up any confusion about who the father truly is or is not, and these tests can be court-ordered, meaning any opposing party will not be able to get out of their responsibility to provide child support or deny a father the right to see their child. Paternity matters must be handled by a professional Columbia County paternity lawyer with vast experience in all types of paternity issues and disputes. Contact the fathers’ rights lawyers of the Colwell Law Group today for immediate legal assistance. We strive to resolve our clients’ needs as quickly as possible with the highest degree of success, compassion, and communication.
Mothers who bear their child out of wedlock have the same exact rights to child support of mothers who ended up divorcing the father of their child. And, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children born out of wedlock are not that uncommon at all. In fact, 40.3 percent of children are born out of wedlock. That percentage is even higher for millennials, at 57 percent, according to the Atlantic. However, in order to receive crucial child support payments in New York, you must be able to prove that the father is truly the father. If the father denies their paternity identity in order to skirt their responsibilities of child support, by working with one of our attorneys you may be able to receive child support after a court-mandated paternity test proves the father’s biological identity.
Paternity issues don’t only involve mothers seeking child support from delinquent fathers. Fathers have paternity rights too, and these generally pertain to issues of child custody and visitation. If the mother of your child has denied you access to your child, based on her argument that you are not the father of the child, a paternity test will clear that issue up swiftly, after which a court child custody hearing will grant you custody or visitation rights. Additionally, if a father is being asked to provide child custody for a child that he knows is not his, or suspects is not his, a paternity test will get to the bottom of the dispute.
Whether you require assistance receiving child support, avoiding child support that you are not responsible for, or gaining child custody or visitation rights, you need to work with an experienced Columbia County child support lawyer. Contact the attorneys of the Colwell Law Group today for help. We will assist you throughout each step of the process.
Learn how to help your kids cope with your divorce with our complimentary guide for parents who are getting divorced or separated in New York.
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